
Whenever you write an important document, it’s vital to get a fresh pair of eyes to check it for you.

If you’re writing in a language that isn’t your mother tongue, there is even more to think about. It can be hard work to get the wording right, not to mention punctuation and style!

Whether it's correcting typos or improving fluency, I can help you make sure your text meets academic and professional standards.

The time and cost for proofreading depends largely on your particular text and your needs. Once you send me your documents you'll receive a personalised quotation.

I work with MS Office formats (Word, PowerPoint, Excel), Apple formats (Pages, Keynote), PDF and LaTeX.

I use tracked changes wherever possible.

If you need it super-quick, I offer a fast service - just let me know.

Contact me here to discuss your needs and get a proofreading quotation.

Need regular coaching and guidance with your English? Check out how I can help.